Accelerator Pathways

Skills to find, win and manage clients

How to grow your business

Accelerator Pathways from Adviser Edge is designed to help you develop and hone the soft skills that are crucial to growing and maintaining your business. Split across three stages – finding, winning and managing clients – the CPD content below provides insights and actions that you can implement in the short term, as well as longer-term strategic concepts to help develop your business.

We regularly add content to Accelerator Pathways with insights from the team at Adviser Edge, as well as subject matter experts from the sales and marketing industry, to help you win new clients and grow your business.

You can explore what’s on offer by working through the tabbed sections below – Paul Lucas gives you an overview of the topics in each section in the introductory videos.


Building a steady stream of leads, be they new clients or growing relationships with existing clients, is a key area of business activity. In this section we draw together ideas, techniques and tips to help you effectively market your services, without breaking the bank.

Persuading, convincing and influencing others are key skills that you can use to effectively convert prospects into clients. In this section we collate a range of proven techniques, tips and tricks to help you enhance your client conversion.

You don’t always need to look to new potential clients to grow your business. In this section we look at how you can nurture and grow relationships within your existing client base. It will help you to broaden your offering and deepen your client relationships for years to come.