Our strategy
and objectives

Learn about our key strategic objectives

Building value on strong foundations

Launched in 2005, the Balanced Commercial Property Trust (BCPT) is for investors who wish to gain exposure to prime UK commercial property. It aims to provide shareholders with an attractive level of income together with the potential for capital and revenue growth from investing in a diversified UK commercial property portfolio.

The portfolio is diversified across the industrial, retail warehousing, office, retail and alternative sectors, with an investment philosophy focused on core and core-plus assets – being those with a low to moderate risk profile.

The balanced portfolio provides risk diversification through its strategic sector allocation, while a proactive approach to aligning the portfolio with underlying market dynamics is designed to deliver performance throughout market cycles and underpins the Trust’s track record of long-term portfolio outperformance. A strategic commitment to high-quality, functionally relevant real estate in key growth markets offers asset liquidity, resilience and ample opportunity for value creation through active management of the portfolio assets.

Key strategic objectives

Positioning for long term performance

Our experienced and dynamic team is supported by market-leading research capabilities, enabling us to manoeuvre the portfolio in line with evolving market dynamics such as hybrid working, consumer behaviour and demographic shifts.

A portfolio repositioning strategy is underway to align sector exposures towards our targeted growth segments. This strategy is designed to strengthen the Company’s balance sheet, enhance both capital and income return and position the portfolio to continue its track record of long-term outperformance.

Income and growth

A diversified portfolio with robust investment characteristics, low vacancy and strong inherent rental growth underpins a sustainable income with the potential for growth. The Company’s dividend is paid monthly.

Value creation

The portfolio presents a wealth of opportunities to extract value, driving capital and income growth. Key focus areas include:

  • capturing rental growth through active asset management
  • taking advantage of development opportunities to boost returns
  • repurposing and refurbishing office holdings to increase their value
  • driving the continued recovery of the St Christopher’s Place estate in London’s West End

Information in this section of the Website is directed solely at persons who are located in the UK and can be categorised as retail clients. Nothing on this website is, or is intended to be, an offer, advice, or an invitation, to buy or sell any investments. Please read our full terms and conditions and the relevant Key Information Documents (“KID”) before proceeding further with any investment product referred to on this website. This website is not suitable for everyone, and if you are at all unsure whether an investment product referenced on this website will meet your individual needs, please seek advice before proceeding further with such product.