Isobel Sharp
Isobel Sharp

Isobel Sharp

Chairman of the Audit and risk Committee and Senior Independent non-executive Director

Isobel has extensive accounting, auditing and corporate governance experience. She was with Deloitte LLP as the firm’s Senior Technical Partner until 2012. She has served as President of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland and on the UK Accounting Standards Board and the Financial Reporting Review Panel. Isobel was awarded the CBE in 2009. Isobel was formerly a director of the UK Green Investment Bank plc and of the global asset manager, Winton Group Ltd.

Isobel is currently a non-executive director, and Audit Committee Chair, at the specialist engineering group, IMI plc, and at The Bankers Investment Trust plc which invests in global equities. She is also a member of the Edinburgh University Business School’s International Advisory Board.