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Decoding Active Management

Everything you need to know about how we actively manage money

Active management should not be a mystery. In our decoding series, we aim to break down some of the key functions of a fund manager to explain their critical role in managing people’s money and demonstrate the value of active management.
For most individuals the primary reason to invest is to reach personal investment goals. This could be saving for retirement, university or school fees, buying a house, or simply saving for a rainy day. The key role for active fund managers is to understand these investment goals as well as investors’ attitude to risk and how long they wish to invest for. These requirements are translated into an investment philosophy and approach with clearly defined objectives and desired outcomes. There are many active decisions made on a daily basis as managers aim to deliver returns in line with this.
However, investing can be a complicated market and fund management is notoriously full of jargon and complex descriptions. In this series, we aim to decode this often confusing area and give you the knowledge you need to understand the world of investing.
active passive

Active and passive funds Q&A

Explaining the difference between active and passive funds
Our capabilities

Stock picking

How we research, analyse and pick stocks

Risk and reward

Understanding risk and how we manage it

Doing the right thing

Responsible investing is integral to how we manage money

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About Us

Millions of people around the world rely on Columbia Threadneedle Investments to manage their money. We look after investments for individual investors, financial advisers and wealth managers, as well as insurance firms, pension funds and other institutions.

Our Funds

Columbia Threadneedle Investments has a comprehensive range of investment funds catering for a broad range of objectives.

Our Capabilities

We offer a broad range of actively managed investment strategies and solutions covering global, regional and domestic markets and asset classes.