Doing business with us

Non-dealing days

There are a number of dates throughout the year on which our funds are closed for dealing. On these days no NAV (price per share) will be issued, and no subscriptions or redemptions from an affected fund will be accepted. Please note that any dealing instruction submitted on these days will be carried forward to the next business day for processing, and that these changes are applicable to all share classes available for these funds.


Columbia Threadneedle Investment Funds (UK), Columbia Threadneedle Specialist Funds (UK), Columbia Threadneedle Opportunity Funds (UK), CT UK Property Authorised Investment Fund non-business day calendar


Columbia Threadneedle (Lux) I and II non-business day calendar


Columbia Threadneedle (Lux) III non-business day calendar

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We offer a broad range of actively managed investment strategies and solutions covering global, regional and domestic markets and asset classes.

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Columbia Threadneedle Investments has a comprehensive range of investment funds catering for a broad range of objectives.


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