Fully active, risk targeted sustainable multi-asset range

At only 0.39% OCF capped

Columbia Threadneedle Sustainable Universal MAP range is redefining value

The CT Sustainable Universal MAP Range consists of sustainability-orientated active multi-asset funds that are ideal for the growing number of individuals that, alongside meeting their financial goals, want to make a positive impact on the world through their investment decisions.

For over 35 years, CT has been innovating and building a growing range of ESG orientated and client focused solutions.

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Measurable impact and universal benefits for your clients


A sustainable focus that utilises CT’s award winning Responsible Investment expertise

Fully Active

Active asset allocation, security selection and risk management. By investing actively, we aim to generate returns and manage risk beyond those implementing a passive approach

Low Cost

Ground-breaking capped OCF of 0.39% for a fully active sustainable solution

Risk Targeted

5 risk-controlled portfolio options from defensive to adventurous, mapped to leading risk providers

Product Suitability

The SUMAP range is aligned to all key regulatory initiatives, making it ideal for your Centralised Investment Proposition (CIP)

Measurable Impact

Market leading reporting that gives you transparency on the real impact of your investment choices across key sustainability metrics

Capital is at risk. The value of investments and any income derived from them can go down as well as up as a result of market or currency movements and investors may not get back the original amount invested. Screening out sectors or companies may result in less diversification and hence more volatility in investment values. Past performance should not be seen as an indication of future performance.

Help your clients understand their impact

We believe that it’s important to really understand the impact of our investment decisions. Each year, our Impact reports aim to measure the result of our investment decisions, both positive and negative, through the companies we invest in and the way we act.

In the first CT Sustainable Universal MAP Range Impact Report, we provide you with transparent insight into the impact of the portfolios’ holdings and detail our efforts to drive improvement in the companies in which we invest through our active engagement and voting efforts.

The impact report includes:

Detailed SDG alignment

Analysis of how the products and services provided by companies we invest in across the portfolios align with the Sustainable Development Goals

Impact metrics

Key portfolio impact metrics on environmental stewardship, fairness and equality, and economic developmen

Stewardship activities

A summary of stewardship (engagement and voting) activities with portfolio companies

Our Thinking

1 July 2024

A tough fiscal reality awaits new government

An incoming government will have to raise taxes. Politically, this is best done quickly – will courage prevail?
Watch time - 8 min
17 June 2024

Back to basics: why the time is right for a return to multi-asset

The great reset in bond yields and the prospect of inflation falling further means multi-asset is once again an attractive option for investors seeking a smoother return profile.
Watch time - 6 min
17 June 2024

Elections, interest rates and markets

A record year for elections – but what do they mean for markets?
Watch time - 6 min

Our Thinking - Responsible Investing

19 June 2024

Sally Springer

Senior Thematic Research Analyst, Global Research

Human capital – supply: the impact of demographic transition on investments

Working populations are in decline, with the demographic dividend that has supported economic growth in many developed markets under threat. This will have a direct impact on the firms in which we invest.
14 June 2024

Natalia Luna

Senior Thematic Investment Analyst, Global Research

US elections: the Inflation Reduction Act and the risk of repeal

A full reversal is considered unlikely, but we believe the possibility of a partial repeal, which could see tax credits and funding programmes weakened, is underappreciated. Here is how Columbia Threadneedle will assess this risk and the potential implications for the most exposed sectors.
21 May 2024

Pauline Grange

Portfolio Manager, Global Equities

Water in crisis – searching for solutions

With too much, too little or too toxic water the world is facing a water crisis. We explore key issues and challenges before highlighting some of the companies promoting better water management.