Types of investment

Fixed Income

Having the right partner to help you meet your fixed income goals is essential. Whether you’re seeking income, total return or capital preservation, we have the resources and expertise to help you meet these objectives and add value to your portfolios.

  • A global fixed income manager with a strong credit heritage
  • Assets under management of $208bn/€191bn/£168bn*
  • 191 investment professionals with 20 years’ average experience*

Why choose Columbia Threadneedle Investments for fixed income?

Fuelled by research – an intense and independent approach gives us deep knowledge of issuer and industry dynamics with the aim of driving strong, sustainable returns.

Our size is to your advantage – we have the global presence and scale to access markets and forensically assess issuers yet are nimble enough to extract value from security selection.

Built on a powerful line-up – we offer a wide choice of strategies from traditional government and corporate bonds to specialized areas including emerging markets and liability-driven solutions.

Established in impact investing – our social bond funds were the first of their kind and we remain a leading advocate in the development of the fast-moving green and social bond markets.**

* Source: Columbia Threadneedle Investments, data as at 31 March 2023.

** UK Social Bond strategy was launched in December 2013 and the European Social Bond strategy was launched in May 2017.

17 March 2022

Gene Tannuzzo

Global Head of Fixed Income

Alasdair Ross

Head of Investment Grade Credit, EMEA

Brian Lavin

Head of High Yield

Credit Threads: Nowhere to hide

The first quarter of 2022 has seen fixed income markets experience an atypical correlation tantrum, with negative returns across regions and sectors. We speak to Gene Tannuzzo, Global Head of Fixed Income at Columbia Threadneedle Investments; Alasdair Ross, Head of European Fixed Income; and Brian Lavin, Head of High Yield, to find out why they are behaving this way.
Listen time - 26 min
4 February 2022

Bank of England raises interest rates: what does it mean for you?

As widely expected, the Bank of England (BoE) has decided to raise interest rates for the second time in two months – the first back-to-back rate rise since 2004.
Read time - 3 min
23 September 2021

Credit Threads #2: Consumer balance sheets

In this episode of Credit Threads, we discuss the outlook for consumers and the ways bond investors can find opportunities in consumer debt.
Listen time - 24 min
3 August 2021

Credit Threads #1: Financial conditions

In the very first episode of our new fixed income podcast, Credit Threads, our bond specialists discuss how central banks respond to financial conditions, how they impact fixed income investing and how fund managers factor financial conditions into their decision-making.
Listen time - 30 min
15 April 2021

Adrian Hilton

Head of Global Rates and Emerging Market Debt

Edward Al-Hussainy

Senior Interest Rate and Currency Analyst

The spectre of rising inflation

With the help of Edward Al-Hussainy, Senior Interest Rate and Currency Analyst, and Adrian Hilton, Head of Global Rates and Emerging Market Debt, the Eye of the Needle team tackles the hot topic of potentially rising inflation, why it might happen, what it would mean for consumers, companies and investors, and how central banks might go about tackling it.
Listen time - 30 min
4 December 2020

Market Monitor – 04 December 2020

An apparent end to post-election uncertainty in the United States allied to yet more positive vaccine news has driven stock markets to new highs last week.
Read time - 2 min

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About us

Millions of people around the world rely on Columbia Threadneedle Investments to manage their money. We look after investments for individual investors, financial advisers and wealth managers, as well as insurance firms, pension funds and other institutions.

Our funds

Columbia Threadneedle Investments has a comprehensive range of investment funds catering for a broad range of objectives.

Types of investment

We offer a broad range of actively managed investment strategies and solutions covering global, regional and domestic markets and asset classes.