Getting the balance right

Getting the balance right

Investing is all about making money work harder. That might mean working it harder to grow its value and thereby its future buying power, or to generate an income, or as is often the case, seeking a blend of both growth and income.

Our 10 Investment Trusts provide a range of investment opportunities including access to equities, bonds, property and private equity. Each trust has different aims and strategies with the option of capital growth, income or a combination of both and with a specific regional focus or with a global remit. 

Back to basics

Whatever outcome you are looking for there are things to consider.

Timeframe is key

The timescale over which you are investing might be the years you have until retirement or the clock could be ticking towards the kids heading off to university and all the related expenses. If you make the choice to invest in the likes of equities (as opposed to cash) then it is wise to view the commitment as a medium to long-term one. Why? Because markets can fluctuate markedly (particularly over shorter periods) so it could prove worthwhile to give your investments time to ride out any dips that could happen along the way.

Consider risk

There’s an element of risk involved with investing. The value of your investments can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you originally put in. You need to be aged 18 or over and be a UK resident, and you should consider this as a longer-term investment. Tax allowances and the benefits of tax-efficient accounts are subject to change and tax treatment depends upon your individual circumstances.

Perspectives on growth & income

Investing For Growth

Investing for ‘growth’ means seeking alternatives to cash that have more scope to increase in value over the long term. There are plenty of options available including investment trusts which target the potential of smaller companies (businesses where scope for growth is often at its most potent) or geographic regions like Europe or the emerging markets.

The likes of private equity can also be an attractive option within a growth orientated portfolio and it’s important not to overlook the steadier characteristics of highly diversified global trusts as well.

Investing For Income

There are also plenty of options for those seeking an attractive income. Dividends from shares bring equity-orientated trusts into consideration and asset classes like commercial property have historically proven capable of generating an attractive and reliable income.

Like growth-orientated investors, income seekers can now benefit from a broader geographic remit as many companies in places such as Japan and the emerging markets are beginning to prioritise dividend payments to shareholders.

Future thinking

There’s an element of risk involved with investing. The value of your investments can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you originally put in. You need to be aged 18 or over and be a UK resident, and you should consider this as a longer-term investment. Tax allowances and the benefits of tax-efficient accounts are subject to change and tax treatment depends upon your individual circumstances.

This section of the website is directed at persons who are located in the UK. Please read our full terms and conditions and the relevant Key Information Documents (“KID”) before proceeding with any investment product referred to on this website. Nothing on this website is, or is intended to be, advice to buy or sell any investments. If you are at all unsure whether an investment product will meet your individual needs, please seek advice.

Read time - 3 min
24 June 2019
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How to make your choice

Only once you turn 18 you are able to make a decision on your account. If you’re ready to make a decision you can do so by downloading our CTF Election form. Simply fill it in and send it back to us whatever you decide to do. Download the form using the button below.

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